










Friday, February 14, 2014

Moringa leaf is a cure all deadly diseases

1. Moringa SABIATIERRA for diabetes and blood pressure.
The healthy lifestyle with proper exercise and nutrition can help those suffering from diabetes and blood pressure to reduce the risk considerably.
Moringa has been used by diabetics and those with high blood pressure with good results. It's really a super food that contains all the necessary ingredients to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels and acts as an unsurpassed nutritional support for diabetics.

Here's why SABIATIERRA Moringa contains:
• Vitamin C, which helps support the production of nitric oxide in the body, which in turn helps the normal functioning of blood vessels, which can prevent the development of diabetic cataracts.
• Calcium, which acts as a muscle relaxant.
• 4 times more potassium than bananas (compared gr gr), which helps reduce the sodium content, which lowers blood pressure.
• Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin E, to help soothe and relax the muscles in blood vessels.
• Vitamin D, which is essential to help the pancreas to secrete insulin properly.
• Vitamin A, an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of blindness caused by diabetes.
• Vitamin B, which is associated with effective treatment of diabetic neuropathy.
• More than 90 nutrients and 46 antioxidants, all of which help in promoting health and wellness.

Our Moringa products SABIATIERRA are safe and all natural, so they can be used by children and adults alike, with no known side effects. Used regularly, Moringa keeps blood sugar in a healthy way and serves as an ideal nutritional support for people with diabetes. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, consult your physician before consuming Moringa.

02. Moringa SABIATIERRA and cancer.

Moringa oleifera has been a staple ingredient in the preparation of herbal remedies for hundreds of years, dating back to ancient Ayurvedic medicine in India. The propagation of Moringa from India to other parts of Asia, Africa and South America has led scientists and researchers to study in detail the Moringa tree to learn more about their anti-cancer properties.
Not surprisingly, modern science has confirmed the effectiveness of Moringa as a plant cancer, as has been known for centuries by native cultures.

The powerful combination of anti-carcinogenic nutrients Moringa SABIATIERRA includes:
• Vitamins
• Minerals
• Complete proteins
• Powerful antioxidants

SABIATIERRA Moringa oleifera is rich in powerful antioxidants, which serve the health of the body by eliminating free radicals, carcinogens that accumulate in the body and lead to the appearance of cancerous tumors. Unlike most other foods rich in antioxidants, Moringa oleifera SABIATIERRA contains a unique and powerful combination of antioxidants, which work together to make the Moringa one of the most potent sources of antioxidants nature.
In fact, the dense antioxidant profile SABIATIERRA Moringa, is on par or superior to the best sources of antioxidants found in nature, including the renowned green tea, wild berries, and other "superfoods".
Moringa been shown to be an effective antibiotic against harmful bacteria, some of which are known carcinogens. There is a commonly known fact that certain bacteria and viruses are carcinogenic, but the World Health Organization has included many bacterial and viral strains in its list of known cancer-causing agents.
Moringa can help prevent cancer.

Helicobacter pylori, for example, is a bacterium that lives in the digestive tract and is common in some countries. The unique combination of anti-cancer compounds found in Moringa oleifera have been shown to effectively combat H. pylori at low concentrations.
Moringa has also proven effective against Burkitt's lymphoma, a lymph cancer is highly prevalent in people with HIV and AIDS. A clinical study has shown that the compounds found in Moringa oleifera inhibits the activation of cells of Burkitt lymphoma.
Controlled research proves again that the Moringa dramatically reduces the incidence of skin papillomas, also known as skin tags, which can become malignant in some cases when it is not treated.
Another report in the press Medscape explains the possible effectiveness of Moringa oleifera as a source of potent compounds to combat cancer in women with possible reproductive problems, including ovarian cancer.
Among the most common medicinal plants used in India, only compounds found in Moringa oleifera have proven effective against a variety of cancers, according to the report, include cancers of the pancreas, lung, esophagus and breast.
Studies have also shown that compounds found in Moringa oleifera are effective against preventing the carcinogenic effects of certain compounds that enter the body. Niazimicin, a compound found in the leaves of the Moringa tree, blocks the carcinogenic effects of chemicals that cause cancer.

Here's why it works.
The unique combination of powerful nutrients of Moringa oleifera SABIATIERRA provides a powerful and natural human body, anti-cancer boost. The high rate of absorption of nutrients from Moringa SABIATIERRA gives the body the vitamins and minerals needed to maintain the proper functioning of the immune system. And more than 40 antioxidant compounds help the body rid itself of harmful substances that cause cancer.
As modern medicine continues to study the compounds found in Moringa oleifera grows evidence confirms India as a secular tradition of using Moringa oleifera in the fight against cancer as well as many other common diseases, but worth investigating more thoroughly. The World Health Organization, National Institutes of Health, and many medical journals have published information pointing to the Moringa as a promising natural anti-carcinogen. This set of information will undoubtedly continue to grow with increasing awareness of the important role of Moringa SABIATIERRA as a kind of nutritious and therapeutic plant.

Moringa as a treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer.
A recent study published in 2007 and available through the National Institute of Health indicates that the use of Moringa oleifera can be invaluable in the fight against epithelial ovarian cancer cells and minimize the negative effects commonly experienced by patients undergoing other types of chemical treatments for the disease. Moringa leaves and roots contain significant quantities of known substances comoisotiocianatos and glucosinolates, which are promising in the fight against ovarian cancer in the laboratory. Both of these chemical compounds are able to cause apoptosis in cancer cells, a process that induces natural death of these cells before they can reproduce within the body. Moreover, supplements moringa SABIATIERRA can help level the hormonal changes that are sometimes linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer, so these supplements are a solid choice for those prone to developing ovarian cancer women due to genetic factors or environmental. While testing is still needed to determine the extent to which the moringa extracts and supplements can be used in the treatment of this deadly disease, moringa plant may offer new hope and greater protection for women against cancer epithelial ovarian.

03. Moringa Nutrient SABIATIERRA against aging.

As we age, our skin begins to react in different ways. From age 20 onwards, collagen is lost at an average rate of 1 percent per year. As a result, it becomes thinner and more fragile.
The ability of the sweat glands also begins to decrease, and exposure to extreme weather conditions, dust and pollution can further damage their quality. The skin can become drier and less elastic feel. The aging of the skin of a person is evidenced by wrinkles, freckles, sun spots, and loss of collagen and elastin.
Aging also depletes the body of necessary nutrients like calcium and vitamins, reducing hearing, vision problems, less agility, decreased mental clarity, memory loss, fatigue and increased susceptibility to diseases such as hypertension, arthritis / osteoarthritis, and even cancer.
Other problems are related to poor digestion and urinary tract infections. Research shows that can reverse the aging process through the use of:
• Vitamin A containing beta-carotene and retinol that helps build collagen fibers of the skin. It also helps in improving eyesight and fighting infections.
• Vitamin C is an antioxidant and healthy and repairs damaged skin.
• Vitamin E, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
• Vitamin D, which helps the body produce calcitriol, very necessary for strong bones and teeth, and to promote normal cell growth.
• Calcium, which can strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.
• Iron, which helps in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin to enhance the immune system and increase mental clarity.
• Potassium prevents muscle loss and helps to reduce blood pressure.

SABIATIERRA Moringa is a storehouse of nutrition vitamins and antioxidants. Gram for gram, contain four times the vitamin A of carrots, 7 times the vitamin C found in oranges, and lots of vitamin E. Has 46 antioxidants, which makes it one of the medicinal plants and more nutrients to the skin of the planet. Moringa SABIATIERRA contains also minerals - calcium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and are important for the growth and maintenance of the human body. Moringa oil contains approx. 78% oleic acid, making it one of the most penetrating oils. Transports nutrients deep into the skin, maintaining elasticity, smoothing wrinkles, and transmitting a general glow to the skin. It also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it the perfect choice for treating insect bites, minor cuts and burns, rashes and bruises. Moringa oil is clear, odorless, and rich in antioxidants, and is suitable for both the skin and as hair care.
04. Moringa leaves SABIATIERRA: Preventing Alzheimer's Disease.
The Moringa oleifera plant is highly regarded by nutritionists and medical researchers and practitioners due to its superior nutritional content and many medical applications. The antioxidant properties of the Moringa plant have been well established by previous studies of medicine and are believed to provide protection against the effects of free radicals that can cause aging and other negative health effects. Recent studies suggest that Moringa leaves can also provide protection against the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and may even delay its onset.

Alzheimer's disease.
A form of dementia, Alzheimer's disease is believed to have a genetic component, but can strike even those who have no family history of the disease. The majority of Alzheimer's cases occur in people over 65 years old, but the disease can attack much earlier in cases of early-onset disease of Alzheimer. As in other types of dementia, the patient experiences confusion, loss of normal function of the brain, unpredictable or aggressive tendencies and a gradual deterioration of mental abilities. This degeneration of the nervous system eventually leads to death. Although the exact causes of Alzheimer's disease are not well understood, research studies suggest that the disease is related to the accumulation of the compounds of fibrous protein known as amyloid brain. These amyloid present in the brain in the form of plaques or neurofibrillary tangles and is thought to disrupt the normal functioning of nerve impulses in the brain.

Changes in lifestyle are often recommended in order to help delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease. These include strategies for quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption and, above all, a reduction in fat intake. It is in this last area that Moringa leaves have proved very useful in delaying or preventing Alzheimer's disease in vulnerable individuals. A study published in the Annals of Neurosciences in 2005 showed a significant improvement in brain function in rats whose diet was supplemented with moringa leaves before exposure to colchicine, a substance that mimics Alzheimer's disease brain. Despite the presence of this substance, the rats retained much of their cognitive abilities and navigate a much more accurate and faster than the control group previously completed maze. These results were attributed to the antioxidant properties of moringa leaves, which served to eliminate free radicals and system to protect neural function.

Moringa leaves appear to delay or mitigate the effects of Alzheimer's disease in rats due to the antioxidant effects of the supplement. Research indicates that moringa supplements can reduce the impact of Alzheimer's disease in people who already have the disease and may delay or prevent its onset in those who are at risk of developing this devastating disease. By incorporating moringa leaf supplements in daily diet plans, it is likely that most people can improve their chances of avoiding the worst effects of Alzheimer's disease for themselves and their families.

05. Gastric ulcers and the use of supplements SABIATIERRA Moringa leaves.
Gastric ulcers are one of the most painful and debilitating disorders of the digestive system forms. Also known as peptic ulcer, these inflammations and irritations of the stomach lining can cause painful symptoms and serious complications in people affected. The most common signs of gastric ulcer include pain before or after eating, blood, heartburn, nausea, bloating and vomiting. In severe or advanced cases gastric ulcers can lead to perforation of the stomach wall, which in turn can lead to acute peritonitis, a potentially fatal condition. The bleeding usually occurs with gastric ulcers can cause significant blood loss that may create a risk to health, even in the absence of other complicating factors.
Most cases of stomach ulcers are caused by a breakdown in the immune system that allows bacteria Helicobacter pylori can infect the stomach, leading to severe inflammation and breaks in the lining of the stomach wall. The accumulation of these bacteria in the stomach causes interference with the normal production and regulation of gastric acid, creating an excess of acid which corrodes the wall lining of the stomach over time. Other factors include changes in blood chemistry that affect the resistance of stomach acids, dietary habits, smoking and drinking and cancerous growths in the stomach. Stress can also cause gastric ulcers, either alone or in combination with other factors.

Moringa oleifera plant offers significant benefits to those suffering from gastric ulcers. A number of medical studies have identified the positive effects of moringa leaves in treating these dangerous digestive tract disorders, for example, a study titled Evaluation and Phytochemical antiulcerogenic Effect of Moringa oleifera aqueous leaf extract and published in 2006 in the African Journal of Traditional Complementary and alternative medicine demonstrated the effectiveness of moringa leaves in relieving symptoms and improving the prognosis of rats suffering from gastric ulcers. Supplements can work in a number of ways including reducing inflammation caused by an excessive accumulation of Helicobacter pylori, which increases the capillary resistance to the bacteria and increase the patient's exposure to contain antioxidants that can scavenge free radicals in the system and improve the health of the individual relationship. Using moringa leaves in the treatment of ulcers and orders of the digestive tract has long been a staple in Ayurvedic medical tradition of India. With more research on the beneficial effects of leaf extracts of moringa for patients, it is expected that these traditional medical uses are validated by modern medical community and supplements moringa are incorporated into the treatment regimen for patients suffering from this painful and dangerous condition of the tract.

06. Treating Lupus with Moringa oleifera.
Lupus, an inflammatory, autoimmune, which often affects the joints, skin, blood and kidneys, and the exact cause of this chronic disease is unknown and can not be easily defined. Authorities indicate that the medical field can be a combination of factors, such as genetic makeup of the individual, along with some unknown triggers of disease. Newly diagnosed with lupus will have to focus on reducing inflammation and managing the various symptoms that are related to the disease to maintain balance in their lives and avoid depression, panic and fear.
Used Moringa leaves contain large amounts of anti-inflammatory, anti-toxins, and anti-oxidant elements, and are also rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids that strengthen our immune system. Because of the many benefits of Moringa oleifera, the European Union (EU), World Health Organization (WHO) and other non-governmental organizations and the support of plants and their cultivation in several places, including Africa, in order to combat malnutrition.
Above all, Moringa suppresses COX-2 enzyme that causes inflammation and pain associated with it. Everyone, including children and the elderly in particular can experience the benefits of taking Moringa. Athletes report an increase in energy use capsules, and many users are surprised by the speed of results.

07. Moringa oleifera SABIATIERRA as a treatment for arthritis and gout.

For many centuries Moringa Oleifera was used in traditional medicine, as "Ayurveda", as a treatment for arthritis and gout. It was believed that the leaf powder Moringa could reduce inflammation and pain caused by these conditions.
In 2008 the Faculty of Medicine Health Sciences University Putra Malaysia, published research to see if Moringa poses any Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity, the same activities achieved by the drugs used in modern medicine, such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The research found that the Moringa leaves have substances that have antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities, in fact they found that has high amounts of these substances. This means that the use of Moringa oleifera in traditional Indian medicine as a treatment for arthritis and gout was indicated.
Moringa purposes is the suppression of COX-2 enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for the processes of inflammation and pain. In general, drugs which inhibit this enzyme are NSAIDs such as Voltaren, Nksin, Adoil, ARCOXIA Kaspo etc.. The side effects of these products include the risk of stroke, kidney problems, blood vessel problems, stomach problems, etc..
Moringa oleifera is a pure natural tree has been used as both food and medicine throughout history, this means it is much safer to use than NSAIDs with similar efficacy and totally natural. 

08. Moringa oleifera: Preserving liver function.
The Moringa plant has been identified as a useful medicinal plant with health benefits. Scientific studies have shown that moringa supplements may reduce liver damage caused by prescription and nonprescription medications, and in some cases, can even repair the damage and protect the liver from diseases caused by the subsequent use of prescription drugs and OTC medications. The therapeutic effects of moringa supplements are still being investigated, but medical research has shown several benefits of this versatile herb in the treatment and protection against liver dysfunction in susceptible patients.

Liver disease.
Liver dysfunction can cause fluctuations in blood sugar, nerve disorders and digestive problems and in advanced cases, the accumulation of toxins in the body can be harmful or fatal. Alcoholism, drug abuse, prolonged use of prescription drugs, overdose and disease can cause liver dysfunction, especially in sensitive individuals. Patients with advanced liver disease should generally maintain a strict diet and may need dialysis to purify the blood and provide filtering function normally performed by the liver. In some cases, moringa supplements can help reduce and reverse the effects of liver disease and restore a better liver function, which allows you to filter toxins from the body more effectively.

09. Moringa and TB drugs.

Drugs used to treat TB may cause significant liver damage in patients, in part because of the toxic properties of these drugs. A research study published in 2003 in the Journal of Medicinal Food describes the protective effects of moringa supplements in preventing serious liver injury in vulnerable patients. The antioxidant properties of the Moringa plant help remove these toxic substances in the liver before it causes serious damage, therefore protecting the health of the patient, without compromising the effectiveness of treatment.

10. Moringa and acetaminophen overdose.

A study published in August 2008 in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology indicates that moringa supplements offer significant protection against paracetamol overdose and liver damage resulting in laboratory rats. Rats were fed moringa supplements in controlled doses before being administered a single paracetamol overdose. Supplementation prevented a decrease in the level of glutathione, an antioxidant compound that need help the liver process toxins and eliminate them from the body. By allowing the liver to maintain adequate levels of glutathione (even when an overdose of paracetamol is given), moringa supplements provide strong protection against the negative effects and possible damage to the liver that typically result from such overdoses.

11. Hepatic fibrosis.

In January 2010, Food and Chemical Toxicology published a study describing the healing properties of moringa seed extract in cases of hepatic fibrosis. The researchers administered carbon tetrachloride to rats over eight weeks to induce liver fibrosis, one of the most serious symptoms of advanced chronic liver disease. Liver fibrosis is caused by the accumulation of proteins and collagen in the liver that reduces their functional capacity, the disease usually requires dialysis or liver transplantation in its advanced stages. The study showed a significant reduction in the levels of collagen and proteins in the liver during moringa treatments. Previously, medical researchers believed that the course of liver fibrosis could only be slowed, not reversed. This study appears to provide evidence to the contrary and provided new hope for patients suffering from advanced stages of liver fibrosis.

12. Moringa and arsenic poisoning.

Arsenic is one of the most common contaminants in water supplies and can cause serious health problems if ingested in large quantities. Moringa supplements have been shown to offer some protection against damage caused by arsenic in water. A study published in the Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research showed that extracts of Moringa oleifera protect the body against the worst effects of arsenic exposure and help remove the substance from the body more efficiently.

13. Moringa SABIATIERRA for children.

The rapidly growing bodies need nutrients to aid in muscle and bone growth, brain development, mental clarity, healthy skin, hair and nails, and to strengthen the immune system. Children deprived of food during these cycles of intensive growth may see reduced levels of IQ, speech and language difficulties, and slower motor skills. They can also contract a number of chronic diseases, predestinándolos to poor health for a lifetime.
However, children are picky eaters, who select sugary cereals, fatty dairy products instead of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats. With Moringa SABIATIERRA, you can give your child a good start to a healthy life.

Gram for gram, Moringa contains SABIATIERRA:
• 3 times more iron than spinach
• 4 times more calcium than milk
• 3 times the potassium in bananas
• 2 times more protein than yogurt and almost the same amount of protein found in eggs
• 7 times the vitamin C of oranges
Moreover, Moringa has SABIATIERRA magnesium, vitamin A, B vitamins (thiamine, niacin and riboflavin), copper, manganese and zinc.

14. Moringa SABIATIERRA for clarity, focus and concentration.
No matter what your age, it is important to keep a clear head, allowing it to meet the challenges, reduce stress, stay calm, sharpen your skills in creative problem solving, and improve your mental agility in general. In addition, a balanced diet with good nutrition will help your brain function at its optimal level.

SABIATIERRA Moringa is full of energy with nutrients and minerals, including:
• Calcium
• chloride
• Chrome
• Copper
• Fluorine
• Iron
• Manganese
• Magnesium
• molybdenum
• phosphorus
• Potassium
• Selenium
• Sulfur
• Zinc
• Vitamins A, B, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E and K
• The Foolic acid
• 18 amino acids
• More than 90 nutrients
• 46 antioxidants

The high iron content of the Moringa SABIATIERRA, that in a comparison gram per gram is about three times the levels found in spinach is the perfect food for the brain. The iron in the dietase into hemoglobin, thereby increasing the oxygen supply to the brain.
It also has zinc, which helps increase the activity between the left and right brain hemispheres.
All 18 amino acids found in Moringa SABIATIERRA play an important role in neurotransmission, which may be depleted during times of stress and lack of sleep.
SABIATIERRA Our Moringa products - capsules, leaves and powders - offer the opportunity to consolidate its focus, clarity and mental agility with ease and efficiency.
Therefore greet own medicine cabinet of Mother Nature, and say goodbye to fatigue and confusion.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

How to Perform Diagnosis Infertility in Women

Once we know what factors are the cause of female infertility ( infertile ) , on this page we will discuss how to diagnose the infertility . Diagnosis of infertility in women is done by conducting tests to check hormone levels , ovulation , and test for the presence of disorders of the reproductive organs .
Diagnosing infertility will probably take a long time , because it couples undergoing infertility treatment and the patient is required to follow all procedures properly . Infertility testing typically begins with a physical examination and interview by a doctor to know your health history .How to diagnose infertility in women
How do the diagnosis of infertility in women
Most likely the doctor will perform ovulation tests to check your body temperature , cervical mucus checking or using ovulation test kits . Special tests conducted to determine whether the fallopian tubes are open or blocked , the test is called is called a hysterosalpingogram ( HSG ) .
Here are some of the tests and diagnoses of infertility in women are the most common :

Ovulation Test . A blood test to check levels of the hormone progesterone , the hormone that is produced after ovulation , these tests can tell that you are ovulating . You can also perform this test independently at home using ovulation test kits that can be purchased in stores or pharmacies . The workings of this tool is to detect the surge in luteinizing hormone ( LH ) which occurs prior to ovulation .
Ovary test . Women at risk of running out of the egg supply , particularly by those aged 35 years and over , those with autoimmune disease and smokers . This test is done to check the condition of a woman's ovaries .
Hysterosalpingography ( HSG ) . This test uses X-rays ultasound or the reproductive organs , the point to determine whether there are abnormalities in the woman's fallopian tubes and uterus . Hysterosalpingography test is very accurate so it is always used when a woman's fertility test in the laboratory .
Laparoscopy . In this test a slender tube equipped with an optical fiber is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision near the navel . This test allows the doctor to see the outside of the uterus ( womb ) , ovaries and fallopian tubes . This test is useful for detecting the occurrence of abnormal growth such as in the case of endometriosis .
Hormone testing . The tests were conducted to test for the presence of certain hormones , such as FSH and prolactin , this test can determine whether there are certain medical conditions that may interfere with undiagnosed fertility.
Infertility can occur in men and women , equally likely even larger . If infertility is suspected to occur in men then carried out several tests to evaluate the quantity and health of sperm . Similarly, if the infertility is suspected on the part of women , the doctor will do some tests and diagnosis of infertility in women as described above .

5 Tools That Make Sex Female Orgasm Fast

Compared to men , women more often fail to achieve orgasm during intercourse . The causes vary, there are as low arousal , due to lack of foreplay , and there is also due to being anxious or stressed . Physical barriers and psychological as it relates directly to the ability of women receiving no sexual stimulation . Making a woman orgasm fast is tricky .Sex aids woman orgasm fast
Vibrator , that woman orgasm fast
On the other hand , men require special skills to satisfy a woman in addition to patience , because women by nature it takes a longer time to be able to orgasm .
In addition, men also are also required to have the ability to last a long time during sex . Men who suffer from premature ejaculation is not likely to make a woman orgasm . The husband should also pay attention to what sex position should be selected so easy orgasm wife
For those women who are still single or husband away from home would be difficult if you're passionate . In this situation , the lonely wives usually do self service or masturbation to channel his passion . In conducting these activities , usually they need tools that enable them to reach orgasm .
Sex aids anything that can make a woman orgasm fast ? The following is a summary of five sex aids are most often used when women and make them fast masturbatory climax .
1 . vibrator
Vibrators are sex toys shaped like a penis and comes out of metal or rubber . It works by inserting the tool into the vagina or clitoris to rub it . From the shape , the vibrator is divided into several types , there is a wave textured , plain and there are made ​​similar to original penis .
Several types of vibrators specially designed themselves capable of moving inside the vagina and increase the sensation perceived women . Vibrator shakes like it is the most preferred because it can make their women orgasm quickly .
2 . condoms serrated
Condoms in today no longer serves as a means of contraception and prevention of transmission of venereal disease , but has become the preferred sex aids women . Some specific types of condoms designed to have a special texture that can provide more stimulation to the vagina .
Condoms are one of the jagged sex aids like women . Some users who do not have a husband even marry vibrator with condom serrated to maximize sensation on their V area . Condoms can make a woman have an orgasm quickly .
3 . lubricants
During intercourse , lubricant is needed , especially in women who have vaginal dryness problem . The use of lubricants in women who do not have a problem in the vagina is more recreational or for the purpose of having fun . Slippery vaginal penetration penis would make so much more comfortable although sometimes most lubricant makes men do not feel comfortable .
4 . aromatherapy
Aromatherapy can be a powerful sex tool for certain women , especially if coupled with a gentle massage from massage - husband in the room is dim and fragrant . The atmosphere is romantic as it would arouse sexual desires of women and can make them reach orgasm quickly .
5 . sex video
Do not think the only guy who likes video porn , women also love this kind of movie but with certain specifications . Women love a certain type as a softcore porn movie that shows scenes kiss and romantic sex scenes . Watching porn would excite them and make them quickly reach orgasm when having sex .
Sex aids is one way to facilitate women reach orgasm quickly . This tool can be used alone and can also be used with a partner when making love to improve domestic harmony . So at a glance information about sex aids that can make a woman orgasm fast .

How to Cope with Dry Vagina in Women

Vaginal dryness is a common problem experienced by women , especially by pre- and post- menopausal women . Under certain conditions some young women also sometimes suffer from this disorder . Vaginal dryness is one of the characteristics of vaginal atrophy , which is a condition where the vaginal wall thinning , dry , less elastic due to estrogen deficiency .vaginal dryness
How to cope with vaginal dryness
One way to overcome vaginal dryness is to maintain steady production of the hormone estrogen in the body . This hormone is responsible for the health of the female sex organs .
When being aroused more blood will flow to the female pelvic organs area which causes more vaginal lubrication formed .
Unfortunately , hormonal changes are usually associated with the menstrual cycle , aging , menopause , childbirth and breastfeeding babies can affect the amount and consistency of this moisture .
Women who experience vaginal dryness or lack of lubrication will feel pain during sex and will gradually lose interest in sex .
Here are some of the symptoms of vaginal dryness that may be perceived patient :

Itching around the vaginal opening and in the lower part of the vagina
Appeared in the area of pain
Increased urinary frequency
Urinary tract infections
Feel uncomfortable and hot
Pain and bleeding during intercourse
Causes of Dry Vagina
There are several factors that can cause vaginal dryness , namely :
1 . Decreased estrogen levels
This factor affects nearly all vaginal dryness conditions . Estrogen is a female hormone that serves to keep vaginal tissue healthy , responsible for lubrication , tissue elasticity and acidity conditions of these areas . So to overcome vaginal dryness , estrogen levels need to be maintained or stimulated its formation .
When estrogen decreases the functions also become abnormal causes the lining of the vagina becomes thinner , less elastic , shrink and increased risk of urinary tract infection . Decreased estrogen levels go hand in hand with the increasing age of the woman .
There are several factors that lead to decreased estrogen hormone that is due to have entered menopause , postpartum , nursing , was in therapy of ovarian cancer , and unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking .
2 . high stess
High stress cause lubrication is not going well , this condition often experienced by mothers after childbirth .
3 . Allergy medicines
Some medications containing decongestants that can reduce moisture several parts of the body including the vagina . Anti- estrogen drugs to treat breast cancer can also cause vaginal dryness .
4 . Sjogren 's Syndrome
The immune system attacks the body's tissues healthy , visible effects on the eyes and the mouth becomes dry and causes dry vagina in women .
5 . douching
Some women use certain materials when cleaning the vagina causing inflammation and dryness of the vagina .How to Cope with Dry Vagina
Vaginal dryness experienced by many women though who come to the doctor for treatment only slightly . If interference has disrupted daily activities especially when having sex with her husband so patients are advised to consult a doctor and get treatment .
Here are some tips on how to cope with vaginal dryness :

Drink plenty of water
Do not use soap or detergent to clean the vagina
Perform a balanced diet so that the body continues to produce the hormone estrogen
Consumption of supplements and vitamins to increase estrogen
Consumption of herbal foods that contain isoflavones
Use vaginal estrogen therapy is usually in the form cream , ring or tablet . Remember to visit the doctor before treatment .
During sex , the husband sometimes use artificial lubricant for vaginal dry wife , aim to help when going to penetrate . Avoid lubricants vinegar , yogurt , skin moisturizer , scented soaps and bath oils up .
Although these materials can lubricate the vagina but in the long run it will disrupt the ecosystem in the intimate area . Vaginal dryness during sex could also mean that the woman is not sufficiently aroused , therefore increasing the foreplay until lubrication occurs by itself .
Also be caused by vaginal dryness because the organ is rarely or never used for sexual activity with friends or alone . When being aroused , blood will flow more to the organs causes vagina becomes wet . Perform regular sexual activity can also cope with vaginal dryness .

How to Overcome Late Missed period Naturally

Missed period is one of the most common feature of pregnancy in women . But even so late coming monthly guests could also mean another , for example, is sick or there is a hormonal disorder . There are many factors that cause a woman's missed period , and at this time seksualitas.net article we will discuss how to cope with missed period naturally .How to cope with missed period
How to cope with missed period
Normally women have a menstrual cycle for 22 to 35 days but most women experience a menstrual cycle of 28 days . Late period of one or two a day is still classed normal and common , but if it comes a month late up to a week , a month or more than usual , then it means something is wrong . Chances are pregnant or having periods interrupted .
Rini ( 25 ) lately felt anxious because her period did not come yet tespack showed negative results , meaning that she is not pregnant . Workers at one of Jakarta 's private banks claim to have regular menstrual 28 days until he felt late period last month .
To overcome the missed period , Rini started consuming some traditional herb that is obtained from a friend . The proven natural remedy , every few days taking the drug , and many Rini began menstruation .Natural Remedies to Overcome Late Coming Month ( Menstrual Disturbed )
Some positive pregnant women after sex too much to seek out ways an abortion , of course it is not a wise move and could also endanger the life , because such efforts should only be done by a specialist , and even then with some conditions particular .
Natural remedy below is to overcome the missed period due to disturbed menstrual derived from plants around us and build healthy habits because menstruation is also disturbed due to lifestyle and irregular eating patterns . Traditional medicine can facilitate menstruation following in a short time :
1 . Concoction of papaya fruit
Papaya leaves bitter taste proved useful to facilitate menstrual women . For women who often experience a missed period can make this concoction of papaya leaves .
Take some papaya leaves are young and fresh , and then rinse thoroughly . Boil the water with a ratio of two leaves of papaya for every one cup of water . Once boiling add the acid and salt , then take the water and drink the potion warm.
2 . Addressing missed period with lemon
Lemon fruit is one of the most commonly used in the kitchen and mixed into a wide variety of foods . Orange juice contains ascorbic acid , zinc , phosphorus , minerals , calcium , calories , fat , protein and many other minerals needed by the body .
One of the benefits of lime according to Dr . Setiawan Dalimartha menstruating woman is smooth . How to process , prepare lime juice three tablespoons , mixed with one tablespoon of honey and two cups of warm water . Stir the mixture until smooth and drink warm . Drink the potion three times every day .
3 . Completed pill
This pill is manufactured by PT . Laboratories are functioning Deltomed address complaints of women who are often missed period . This nutritious pills abnormal menstrual facilitate , manage pain in stomach and heartburn while menstruating . Pills are made from completely natural ingredients extracted into pills .
As a product of modern , herbal pills thoroughly believed many women who experience menstrual disorders . These pills should be taken 4 times a day for 3 days before menses come . Completely biased pills bought in pharmacies or drug stores and this pill was not for pregnant women .
4 . Yoga and regular exercise
The practice of yoga has many unique movements are very good for health . Some experts reveal other advantages that facilitate yoga female menstruation . If you often experience comes months too late , try to visit places that have aerobic yoga program to train your body .
5 . regular breaks
Busyness often leads to stress and tension . The impact effect on the production of hormones in the body which in turn causes late menses come . Make sure you have enough hours of sleep for the body to rest and restore his fitness .
5 natural ways to overcome so late coming months due to a disturbance in the menstrual cycle . Avoid using abortion drugs are harmful to the body for an abortion , because missed a period does not always mean pregnant .

7 Habits It Can Make Male Impotence

Male impotence or erectile dysfunction is often called is a sexual disorder that is feared and hated men women . Many men who prefer to lose a leg than to lose their erection ability . Once the importance of the function of sex is so many people are willing to buy a variety of powerful drugs just for the sake of his penis so hard to get an erection again .Type habit causes of impotence
Type habits cause male impotence
When a man suffering from impotence then he will lose the ability to obtain and or maintain an erection hardness . Generally, the cause of male impotence is a chronic disease that affects or could be due to psychological problems such as being stressed or anxious .
Other causes are rarely recognized men are lifestyle factors , some specific habits turned out to contribute and can cause male impotence .
In all modern era , as now, there are many things that are not actually healthy but still worked because the job demands . Some other people aware of the unhealthy habit but still do it because it has become addictive .
In order to avoid impotence , all men need to know the types of toxicity that can cause impotence . Below are seven types of habits that can make a man impotence :
1 . smoke
Experts agree that smoking is calling one of the main causes of impotence . Smoking causes narrowing of blood vessels by nicotine so that blood flow to the penis is inhibited . Though penis erection only be hard if the blood is fully charged .
Experts believe the negative impact will begin to be felt when the smoke had reached the age of 40 years , this is around 30-50 % . The more you smoke , the more likely you are suffering from impotence . That is why smoking is categorized as one of the bad habits that should be avoided .
2 . often stay up
Late sleep in the short term just cause drowsiness and lack of vigor in the day . But if these practices continue to be done , it can interfere with the metabolism system , hormone production , circulatory and nervous systems . Which in turn can lead to several diseases such as heart disease , stroke and impotence .
Some people who indulge in the evening generally suffer from one of these diseases even though he can sleep well during the day . In women sleep can also cause irregular menstruation and ovulation disorders that complicate pregnancy .
3 . bicycle
Many doctors recommend exercise bike because it is very beneficial for maintaining a healthy body . Unfortunately cycling in a long period of time and do every day can cause impotence . According to experts , the cause of the disorder is a form of saddle or saddle and not sport .
As I sat in the saddle , upper body weight is supported by the muscles around the buttocks cause perineal area depressed long enough . The perineum is one area that is between the scrotum to the anus . Pressing the perineum in a long time can lead to numbness, to pee , prostate inflammation and impotence .
Facts about the number of cyclists who suffer from impotence as confirming the theory that the doctors disclosed . So if you are a fan of sport bike , you should pay careful attention to the quality of your bicycle saddle , choose a quality saddle and break every 10 minutes by standing on the pedals .
4 . Soft drinks and carbonated beverages
Soft drinks and all kinds of soft drinks are usually provided in the cafes and restaurants . Many people are happy to drink it because it tastes good and cold . Though these drinks do not have the nutrients and minerals in it can even lead to impaired health because they contain sugar and caffeine are very high .
Too often consume soft drinks and soft drinks will increase the risk of type 2 diabetes which is one of the main causes of impotence . Soft drinks can also cause problems of obesity are also closely linked to impotence cases .
5 . Consumption of alcoholic beverages
Many men who think alcohol is a stimulant that can increase sexual desire and make erection penis hard . In fact the assumption was pure myth , alcohol can actually cause a man suffering from impotence .
When receiving sexual stimulation , the nervous system starts working and ordered hormone and blood flow immediately flow into the penis to getting ready for sexual activity . Alcohol is a depressant that can block the nerves that inhibit the performance of the communication between the brain with other body systems . That is why alcoholics may suffer disorientation , empty mind and reflexes slow .
6 . Unbalanced diet
Irregular eating or eating certain foods in excess can cause health problems . In order for the heart to pump enough blood to the penis which is a short distance , he needs adequate nutrition . Eating out of balance can cause impotence .
Similarly, certain foods can raise cholesterol levels . High cholesterol can cause damage to blood vessels and interfere with the performance of penile erection . Some studies reveal that men with cholesterol levels over 270ml/dl more likely to suffer from disorders such as cancer of the penis in men with normal cholesterol .
7 . Too often watch porn
Research has confirmed that the habit of watching porn on young men responsible for sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction . Some men who visited the clinic because of having erection problems turn out to have the same habit that is often watching porn .
The negative habits accustom the brain to produce the hormone dopamine causes the desire always appears . They can only feel satisfied and hard erection when watching porn and erectile failure would when having sex with women .

Herbal Remedy To Cure in Wind

Light as any ill will inevitably disrupt the activities and make the performance decreases , so does the sexual desire can certainly be dimmed for a while until the body is recovered . Bersukurlah we lived in Indonesia as a place where a lot of plants that can be processed into special traditional medicine men .herbal medicine colds
herbal medicine colds
One cause of the loss of sex drive is being sick , whatever the pain is as light can inhibit the body to produce sex hormones and prevents the nervous system works optimally .
No man can have sex when you're sick but he does have a very strong stamina , but in general when sick , the body needs to rest and nervous system will shut off for awhile bodily functions that will spend a lot of energy such as sexual function .
Even a minor illness such as colds have been able to make the drop stamina and sex drive disappeared . If you 're sick with the flu or colds do not trigger take medication because it could be the case only because the body is weak after a day of activity so easy to attack the virus .
There are many herbs that come from the kitchen are efficacious cure colds suffered . The herb works by increasing the body's resistance and recovery process so mempecepat virus that attacks could disappear by itself .
Tjok Gde Kerthyasa is an expert in homeopathy Indonesian who lives on the island of Gods, Bali . Tjok Gde advise everyone to make their own herbal concoction if it is a cold or flu . The following herbs to cure colds style Tjok Gde :
ingredients :

1 tablespoon Fennel bii
1 slender finger of ginger
5 pieces of mint leaves
1 teaspoon honey
How to Make :

Insert after digeprek ginger to the pan and mix with other ingredients other than honey . Use pots made ​​of clay and not the aluminum .
After cooking , pour boiling for five minutes then strain and drink potions ready . Eat these ingredients in a state - Hangan lukewarm and mix with 1 tablespoon honey . Drink twice a day then the flu and colds will get better soon .
Indonesia is a country that many overgrown with tropical plants is very beneficial as herbal medicine . The benefits of this method of treatment is not only to cure but also include prevention and health promotion .
Because many species of medicinal plants that grow in Indonesia made ​​many researchers and pharmaceutical companies to use the diversity of plants to create health products .

10 Characteristics hiperseks that is worth to Know

Hiperseks is excessive obsession towards sex which affects the social life of the patient . The characteristics of the most dominant hiperseks is the inability of the patient to control the desire to have sex . According to the Mayo Clinic , hiperseks is a sexual disorder that can be suffered by men and women . Hiperseks in men and in women referred satryasis called nymphomania .characteristics hiperseks
The characteristics hiperseks
Very rarely patients hiperseks consciously went to the doctor , the patient is usually treated as it gets a boost from a spouse or family .
In general, patients will undergo psychological therapy by a psychiatrist . Hiperseks is not simply a matter of sex hormones but also mental problems .
According to the Mayo Clinic , hiperseks also called compulsive sexual behavior or sex addiction where sufferers have an obsession , imagination , and feelings toward sex is excessive such that affect quality of life and interfere with social interactions and health of the patient .
There are no clear boundaries between hiperseks with a high sex drive is normal . But experts recommend that every person who had the traits hiperseks below to see a doctor immediately :

Affair or having sex parner outside the institution of marriage that endured
Excessively obsessed about sex , as if no longer able to be controlled by the patient
Hobbies excessive masturbation
Considers couples as sex objects
Have a tendency to be promiscuous sex
Sometimes doing normal activities such as hurting sex couples
Doing risky sexual activity without the health care of others or oneself
Hobbies opening porn sites on the internet are also traits hiperseks
Making sex as an outlet to the problems faced such as loneliness and depression
Sexual activity is undertaken have disrupted social life and work
If you have at least three of the 10 traits hiperseks above , you should visit your doctor for a check-up . You can go to a general practitioner or psychiatrist . The doctor will try to diagnose and find the cause of your sexual pain disorders .
In the United States , the number hiperseks at around 8 % of men and 3 % of women . There are no official data on the number of Indonesian patients . According to Drs . Patrick J. Carnes , hiperseks associated with a person's ability to control his emotions . That is why , this excessive sexual disorder sufferers usually have trouble controlling themselves beyond matters of sex .
Some experts agree hiperseks call due to past sexual trauma such as sexual abused or live in a household that has a problem with sex . Some studies also mention the high levels of certain chemicals in the brain such as serotonin , dopamine and norepinephrine as the cause of this disorder .
In general, people make sex as a way to vent all the problems faced . To find out if you are already a sex addict or not , please follow the sex addiction questionnaire here .
The husband and wife who both have a high sex drive naturally have a high frequency of lovemaking as well . But if only one party who suffered hiperseks then the other party would suffer , this is why most cases occur as a result of divorce can not serve lust couples .

Porn Watch Movies Too Often Cause Erectile Dysfunction

The young men who have a habit of watching porn may experience sexual dysfunction later in life . Similarly, the warning expressed by the experts who called watching porn erectile dysfunction caused if done to excess .pornographic film caused erectile dysfunction
pornographic film caused erectile dysfunction
Lim Chye Huat , a urologist doctor Gleneagles Hospital said adult film caused erectile dysfunction indirectly .
Men who watch too much porn content on the internet would have trouble getting satisfaction during intercourse . They will lose sex drive that trigger erectile dysfunction .
Erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder in which the penis can not erect aloud while performing sexual activity . Men who experience erectile dysfunction generally will suffer psychologically as experiencing anxiety , depression , low self-esteem and decreased quality of life .
In general , these men become more closed and keep their feelings to themselves without revealing what their true feelings . One of the factors that cause erectile dysfunction by Lim Chye Huat is too often watching porn .
Dr Lim calls found four to five patients with erectile dysfunction as a result of pornography come to the clinic every year . " In addition to loss of sexual desire , these men also have the possibility of becoming addicted to pornography , " said Dr Lim . Things like this is dangerous because pornography addicts usually tired , suffer from insomnia , and difficulty concentrating at work .
A similar study that calls caused erectile dysfunction porn movie ever made ​​at the University of Padua and found that 70 percent of young men who came to the clinics for sexual problems turn out to have a habit of watching porn too often . The study was led by Professor Carlo Foresta Urology .
Prof. Carlo said watching porn habit creates a paradoxical irony that among teenage boys. They no longer can enjoy an intimate relationship with the pretty girls though . They can only be satisfied when watching porn and loss of passion when will the actual sex .
According to experts , it is triggered by irregularities in the production of the hormone dopamine in the brain . This hormone is released by the body when experiencing orgasm and give a sense of satisfaction and fun effects . When watching porn , the body produces dopamine and the effects of addiction to always repeat it again , the effect is the same with people who are addicted to drugs .
Physical vs. Mental Stimulation
Sexual stimulation is basically divided into two physical stimulation and mental stimulation . Physical stimulation is sexual stimulation arising from touch , grope , or kiss . While the mental stimulation is the stimulation due to chemical processes in the brain , for example, thinks erotic or watching porn .
When no stimulus , no matter whether it comes from physical contact or mental stimulation , the brain will tell the body prepares to perform activities of reproduction ( sex ) so that the penis become erect . This is because the brain can not distinguish between the physical or mental , physical , and mental processes will be considered together by the brain .
Too often mental stimulation to achieve an erection will accustom the brain to recognize the process. So that erection and orgasm can always happen when watching porn but always fails when having sex with women .
The good news is , if the young men began to learn to reduce their activity watching porn and replace it with physical activity in healthy sexual performance then they will go back to normal gradually .
So if you currently includes people who are addicted to watching porn a good idea to start reducing these habits in order to avoid the erectile dysfunction .