The skin is exfoliated by itself about every 25 -30 days and as time passes it takes longer to do, exfoliate the skin every two weeks will help to remove acne scars. Put a spoonful of sugar moisturizer that you always use , apply in a circular motion and then rinse the area with cold water.
The lemon juice will lighten dark spots in a few days, you must apply it at night and never before sun exposure, since sunlight provoke spots on the skin. Squeeze half a lemon, soak a cotton ball in the juice of lemon and apply by pressing gently on the acne spots.
This plant is capable of removing any scar, so in this case worked perfectly. Only applied twice daily gel possessing inside your resume, leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
Olive oil
This natural oil is very effective in this case. Soak a cotton ball in oil and apply on the affected area. You can apply the oil with some outside as to eliminate acne blemishes skin to do some exfoliating effect. A good substitute is to use a natural oil based cream to clean oil stains.
Tomato has vitamin A, which helps repair and rejuvenate the skin. Crush half a tomato and apply it on the area with acne blemishes, let this mask acted for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Honey also moisturize the skin and remove the stains, the color will match. Apply a layer of honey all over your face and rinse after 15 minutes with plenty of water
Natural products sold in pharmacies
If all these natural or home remedies do not work here's a long list of products that you can buy at the pharmacy and that is sure to help eliminate these ugly acne blemishes you have.
Acne is a skin condition that not only teenagers suffer, but there is also adult acne. The main symptoms of this skin condition lesions are papules and pustules and spots on the skin and the subsequent scars. Although it can be difficult at times, there are some ways to try to minimize these spots. In this article we explain how unComo eliminate acne blemishes.
How to remove acne blemishes

Preventing stains
The best way to prevent stains caused by acne is to prevent injuries from occurring. That means not touching the bumps so that later no scarring and other brands.
Also, exposure to the sun without any protection aggravates skin blemishes, and delays healing, so you have to use a sunscreen or at least one sunscreen .
Moisturize your skin
To remove stains from acne, you need to take care of your skin and keep properly moisturized. There are products that treat acne stains and will help to reduce them.
Drinking water
You need to be hydrated both outside and inside, so you should drink plenty of water. The aim will be to remove your body faster dead skin cells and, therefore, facilitate the disappearance of acne spots.
Home Remedies
There are also some tricks from natural products that may perhaps help
you improve your skin and try to eliminate acne blemishes. They are not infallible but they can contribute their grain of sand. Read here how to remove acne spots with home remedies.
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