
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Treating corns foot with home remedies

Treating corns foot with home remedies
Calluses on feet, besides being unsightly, generate pain to those who suffer from them. There are many reasons that generate callus, narrow, tight shoes, heat, sweat, spend many hours standing, etc.. It is important therefore to take the necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of hardness , yet it is not always possible and these arise causing discomfort, so it is necessary to try to reduce the pain caused by calluses on the feet . Therefore, we want to offer in unComo how to treat foot corns home remedies.
Picture: mthoodpodiatry.com

Visiting a podiatrist is always more advisable to remove foot calluses option, but it is also true that there are some home remedies to improve your calluses and reduce the pain they cause.
Scratching calluses with a pumice stone is the most effective way to release these hardnesses below our feet and hydrate cream or lotion to the area from drying out.
Also, chamomile may help relieve pain and inflammation feet. To do this, you must prepare a liter of tea, put it in a bowl and dip your feet at least 5 minutes.
On the other hand, you can use ivy as a home remedy for foot calluses. Will be necessary to crush a few leaves along with garlic and apply the paste on calluses. Cover with cheesecloth or sell it and leave on for a few hours, it is best to apply it at night and leave it while you sleep. Finally, you should wash the area with warm water to remove the mixture of ivy. With this you get soften the skin and remove easily.
Another way to treat foot corns by home remedies is apple cider vinegar. Need 100 ml of vinegar to be mixed in a quart of warm water with two crushed garlic. You can apply the mixture on the hardness or putting your feet directly.
In many cases it is useful to rub calluses with a raw onion cut in half and apply a few drops of tincture of arnica, an herb that improve foot calluses.
Proper cleaning, good hydration or properly choose the shoes are some tips to try to save calluses. Here you can see more recommendations for avoid the hardships .
To read more articles like how to treat foot corns home remedies, we recommend you enter our category of skin diseases .


  1. Very Informative article. I've enjoyed reading this. Wear open-toe high heels to relieve pressure on corns and calluses. Wear shoes that give your toes plenty of room. If you can't wiggle your toes, your shoes are too tight. If your kid suffering from bad foot structure you can choose KidSole insoles https://kidsole.com/ that will provide proper comforts and relieve to them.
