The vitiligo is the whitening of the skin due to lack of a pigment, melanin. They are like decoloreadas spots. It is a typical disease in youth and is more prevalent in women than in men.
This whitening of the skin called vitiligo is commonly located on the face, hands and neck.
We propose to continue reading this article to know how you should treat vitiligo or whitening of the skin.
Ultraviolet rays, which are rays from the sun stimulate the production of melanin in the body. Reason for which we recommend sun gradually and always accompanied with the sun taking cold baths.
From the point of view of hydrotherapy, it is recommended every day
applied two baths of 5 minutes each and twice a week, two steam baths
with chamomile.
Des the nutritional point of view, it is recommended to take daily two
cups of raw carrot juice and add to vegetable soups and salads are eaten
Another useful remedy is to take one tablespoon daily fasting pollen. This is very rich in vitamin B, which is so necessary to keep your skin healthy way. Besides pollen consumption will help to strengthen the nervous system and the body in general.
To read more articles like or how to treat vitiligo skin whitening, we recommend you enter our category of cosmetic surgery .
You need
Carrot juice.
Brewer's yeast.
Brewer's yeast has many properties, and among those described above
also have to know that is a great cleaner skin of our body and helps in
weight control.
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