
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Here are 10 natural ways to eliminate wrinkles in the face

 Has a face that always looks young, fresh, clean, and beautiful all the time is anyone's dream. Face as it is not impossible to have in a long time. Although it has become a law of nature, at the age of aging will be visible wrinkles on the face and indicating your age was the age of 40. To avoid wrinkles on the face much to do or even should mengekuarkan bajet sizable enough funds to buy beauty products.

In addition to beauty products, doctors should be able to have a friend of a face without wrinkles easily. Much can be done naturally for eliminating wrinkles in the face. These methods are not only safe with no side effects, nor do they spend their money peru very burdening you

1 . honey
From the past until now honey is a pretty powerful herb for all diseases . No exception on facial treatments , honey is very effective in reducing and preventing wrinkles in the face . Friends of doctors do not have to strain to get it and use it . It is very easy , wash your face first with warm water and rub a little honey to your face and let sit for 20-30 minutes later rinse your face with warm water again and refresh with ice cubes , be sure to wash all parts in basting with honey .
2 . Olive Oil and Lemon
Olive oil can help provide moisture to the skin . Rich in vitamin C , D , and E , antioxidants and iron are useful to regenerate the skin . While lemon makes skin brighter and more radiant , if both are in the join can help reduce wrinkles on the skin , to cope with the extra oatmeal and egg whites dull face for facial skin tightening .
3 . milk Powder
Powdered milk is also very trustworthy to restore skin moisture and wrinkles mnghilangkan . Friends of doctors can try it by mixing 4 tablespoons of powdered milk , 2 tablespoons honey , 2 tablespoons warm water mix well, then apply evenly to the face avoiding around the eyes and mouth , cover your face with a small towel that has been soaked in warm water let stand until 10 minutes , clean the rest of the mask on the face with the little towel , then dry face . That way you will certainly feel the biscuits are moist and not keruiput again .
4 . bananas
Bananas are easily mistaken astu companion pieces to prevent a skin doctor get wrinkles . Bananas are believed to be the most effective natural ingredients and is easy to be made in an anti wrinkle face cream . The trick pulverized one or two bananas to shreds and resemble soft cream , apply throughout the surface of the face leave on for about 30 minutes then wash with warm water , pat your skin should never rubbed until dry .
5 . cucumber
Cucumbers are widely used in addition to the mask , of course is also useful for anti-wrinkle treatment . Cucumbers can cleanse the face , where the wrinkles are also deisebabkan by dirt face attached . Cucumber for Skin Galvanic Spa treatments sliced ​​thin enough then placed on the face is clean , he is believed to soften and refresh the skin , remove wrinkles . Companion doctor can also use cucumber seeds remedy masks .
6 . coconut oil
Coconut oil can be used for the care of a doctor friend mecegah skin wrinkles . But the coconut oil used must be natural hand processed , unprocessed plant sold in stores . Virgin coconut oil is able to lift dry skin that cause wrinkles , just by applying warm coconut oil cleanser do this activity anytime you need to maintain the firmness of your skin .
7 . tomatoes
In addition to tomatoes is also very easy to get an affordable price. Tomatoes can also be use to prevent wrinkles on your face . With tomato skin moisture and firmness can diperthankan . It's easy enough sliced ​​tomatoes and add the honey and blended average , applied to the face , effective to eliminate wrinkles .
8 . Watermelon skin
When eating watermelon , pal doctors do not immediately throw away the skin . Watermelon skin can be used mainly as an abrasive because of its texture hungry face . Besides watermelon skin after use can be washed refreshing and smooth the skin .
9 . pineapple
Pineapple is one of the fruits that contain lots of vitamin C. Besides beneficial because the vitamin content is also very effective to remove wrinkles on the face . Friends of meat slathered enough doctors pineapple face troubled , for example around the eyes and mouth and others . Let the pineapple liquid to dry for 20 minutes then rinse with warm or cold water .
10 . Tea leaves
In Japan tea has always been a mainstay of Japanese women in maintaining skin firmness . Tea leaf is rich with content 400an chemical elements , the most important of which are catechins , compounds Aromatic Oil , compound carbohydrates , proteins , amino acids , vitamins and minerals , pectin and others , is a natural beverage penyehat of Galvanic Spa skin , in addition to healthy can keep the skin clean and glowing , delaying and reducing the appearance of wrinkles on the face , can even prevent various skin diseases , but it should be noted that not drinking strong tea


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