Sperm strong as mango and apricot
The journey of sperm to fertilize the egg as a mystic journey across the desert or the sea , it is difficult and many obstacles . Only strong, healthy sperm are able to fertilize the female egg .
Unfortunately , lifestyle and the type of food the men of today are often at odds with the nature of nature so that instead of producing a strong and healthy sperm , they become infertile because of poor sperm quality or not .
Weak sperm is one type of sperm disorder that is often experienced by men . This is mainly caused by genetic factors , nutrition , diet and lifestyle types .So how to get strong and healthy sperm ?

For you guys who recently got married and wanted to have children need to read the results of the study some experts from the University of Monash and the University of Western Australia regarding male fertility below .
The experts of the two universities said that men who eat apricots and mangoes will have strong sperm , healthy and have a very high fertility rate .
The research experts published in a journal called Ecology Letters . They called mango and apricot fruit has antioxidants which are very high and very good good health in general .
One of the researchers , Leigh Simmons who is also a professor of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Western Australia says that the sperm that contain high antioxidants are more likely to reach the woman's uterus and fertilize the egg .
" Sperm containing antioxidants have a high degree of probability of reaching the ovaries and then fertilize the female egg , " Simmons said of the Sydney Morning Herald quoted recently.
Still according to Simmon leigh , mango and apricot very well when combined with fruits and other healthy foods that contain vitamin E and beta- carotene such as spinach , carrots , alvokad , grains , all kinds of beans, squash, and vegetable oil .
In order for sperm become stronger, healthier , and more , eat foods that contain lots of antioxidants . You are also advised to take supplements that contain a lot of vitamin C and folic acid . These supplements can help the body produce sperm and improve physical fitness .
According to Simmons , strong sperm can fight free radicals present in the female body . As we know all women have a defense system to be protective against substance originating from outside the body .
Strengthen the argument Leigh Simmon , another researcher from Monash University , Damian Dowling mentions the presence of antioxidants in improving sperm quality sperm . "The quality is almost the same as that contained in the baby food , " said Downling .
So , for those of you who want to quickly get a child , it never hurts to frequently eat mangoes and apricots , so that you become more powerful sperm .
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