
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How to treat varicose veins home remedies

Varicose veins are caused by the swelling of the veins due to poor blood circulation which increases the pressure on the walls of the veins and deformed. They usually appear in the legs and are more often the women who suffer, but also occur in men and are very painful. By this fact is important, especially with the passage of time, prevent varicose veins . But when it's already too late for that and have already appeared, know how to treat varicose veins with home remedies.

One of the most common home remedies for varicose veins is aloe vera. We can directly apply the stem of this plant on varicose veins, massaging the affected area, or make a mix with carrot and a splash of apple cider vinegar. You can see here how to relieve varicose veins with aloe vera.

Another good solution to treat varicose veins is to perform soothing massage with essential oils ., please get started by the ankles, massaging the palms and go uphill to the thighs.

Another option for treating varicose veins consist of boiling 50 g of chestnut bark in a liter of water for about 10 minutes. After this time, you must prepare and drink you pour the resulting liquid as it will help to improve blood circulation.

Furthermore, infusions of horsetail are also beneficial to the problems of swollen veins, because they help combat fluid retention. Likewise, you can apply horsetail poultices over affected by varicose veins to reduce swelling of these blood vessels area.

These tips can help you in your treatment against varicose veins , but know that will not completely disappear, as the only way to remove them is to go through surgery.
To read more articles like how to treat varicose veins home remedies, we recommend you enter our category Moisturize skin .

    It is important that you take an active life to activate your blood circulation.
    Follow a balanced diet.


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