
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Home remedies to treat skin diseases

Home remedies to treat skin diseases
The skin is our body tissue that acts as the first line of defense of our body against disease. It is a protective layer whose duties consist generally reject the germs in the environment, heal the body cope with temperature changes and inform the brain of what happens in our tact. Here we tell you that you have to do to maintain healthy skin and how to deal with general skin diseases.

Follow a bland diet containing no fried, spicy or preservatives. This way you get a cleansing diet for your blood, thanks to a proper diet.
Reduce consumption of salt and egg consumption. It is necessary that during the first weeks of treatment did not eat eggs, then can eat cooked eggs. Coming to consume a maximum two eggs per week.
They have to eat plant foods, salads and fruits each day, alternating with soft diet (no fat or fried).
Make two steam daily on the skin area that is affected by the use of chamomile, thyme and eucalyptus.
It is advisable to steam twice a week throughout the body to cleanse and disinfect the skin. Always ending with cold friction finish the bathroom.
When you shower, the end of the shower is important to brush the skin with a soft brush. So get rid of dead skin areas.
It is important to walk especially after meals to release toxins from your body and how to do breathing exercises.
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