
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How to strengthen brittle nails with home remedies

How to strengthen brittle nails with home remedies The brittle nails can become a headache for those who want an ever perfect manicure look. Eating a healthy diet with all the necessary nutritional intake is the best way to keep them strong, but can also have some natural options that will help you look beautiful hands. In unComo.com's how to strengthen brittle nails with home remedies.
Photo: bellezamujer.info

Step 1 of 6 - <p> <strong> masks natural nails </ strong> are an excellent choice when it comes to strengthen brittle nails. And one of the most popular ingredients is to get the <a href = "http://salud.uncomo.com/articulo/como-ayuda-el-aceite-de-oliva-a-la-salud-2997. html "target =" _blank "rel =" nofollow "> olive </ a>, thanks to its moisturizing properties <strong> </ strong> and vitamins significantly improves the appearance of the nails. </ P> Apply with cotton a little olive oil on your nails and let stand for 20 minutes, then remove with a mild soap. This practice several times a week will help you get hydrated and strong nails in no time. </ P>
Natural masks for nails are an excellent choice when it comes to strengthen brittle nails. And one of the most popular ways to get ingredients is olive oil , thanks to its moisturizing vitamins and significantly improves the appearance of the nails.
Apply with cotton a little olive oil on your nails and let stand for 20 minutes, then remove with a mild soap. This practice several times a week will help you get hydrated and strong nails in no time.

If in addition to strengthen your brittle nails property blanched a bit , you can mix some olive oil with lemon juice, creating a mask that will apply as explained above. Preferably at night to do that then you should not wash or handling any chemicals.

Step 3 of 6 - <strong> Onion </ strong> is a wonderful <a href = "http://hogar.uncomo.com/articulo/cuales-son-los-beneficios-de-la-cebolla -7550.html "target =" _blank "rel =" nofollow "> natural remedy for various ailments </ a>, and one of its properties is to strengthen brittle nails through your intake of vitamin E and iron. If you do not dislike the smell, big pike medium or small whole onions, place in a bowl and then cover your hands with the pieces. Leave them in contact with the onions for at least 10 minutes and then allowed to dry for several minutes without washing. </ P> Repeat as many times a week as you can, get a much stronger and healthier nails. </ P>
The onion is a wonderful natural remedy for various ailments , and one of its properties is to strengthen brittle nails due to its contribution of vitamin E and iron. If you do not dislike the smell, big pike medium or small whole onions, place in a bowl and then cover your hands with the pieces. Leave them in contact with the onions for at least 10 minutes and then allowed to dry for several minutes without washing.
Repeat as many times a week as you can, get a much stronger and healthier nails.

Step 4 of 6 - <p> ever you placed some garlic in your polish to stop biting your nails? Well, you should know that at that time you were giving them one of the best ingredients to strengthen, is that <a href = "http://salud.uncomo.com/articulo/cuales-son-los-beneficios-del- garlic-4297.html "target =" _blank "rel =" nofollow "> garlic </ a> is also a great ally to fight bacteria and fungal infections, so you can add to your base or hardener to combat brittleness of your nails. </ P>
Any time you placed some garlic in your polish to stop biting your nails? Well, you should know that at that time you were giving them one of the best ingredients to strengthen, is that garlic is also a great ally to fight bacteria and fungal infections, so you can add to your base or hardener to combat fragility your nails.

Step 5 of 6 - <p> Thanks to its vitamin E, castor oil <strong> </ strong> is another great ally to strengthen brittle nails and care for them. Apply daily for 10 minutes and enjoy a much healthier nails. </ P>
Thanks to its vitamin E, castor oil is another great ally to strengthen brittle nails and care for them. Apply daily for 10 minutes and enjoy a much healthier nails.
The use of gloves is also recommended when making cleanup activities, and use commercial glazes hardeners to combat fragility and keep your nails as strong as possible.
To read more articles like how to strengthen brittle nails with home remedies, we recommend you enter our category of nails .


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