
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Here is the reason someone missed a period

Datang bulan merupakan siklus bulanan yang terjadi pada wanita. Siklus ini pada umumnya berulang pada waktu yang sama dengan waktu sebelumnya. Namun tidak semua wanita memiliki jadwal datang bulan yang baik, terkadang datang bulan tidak datang tepat waktu. Secara umum saat datang bulan datang terlambat orang-orang langsung menyimpulkan bahwa wanita tersebut sedang hamil. Namun bagaimana dengan wanita yang belum menikah? Apakah hanya itu alas an nya? - See more at: http://inti-kesehatan.blogspot.com/2013/10/6-penyebab-wanita-telat-datang-bulan.html#sthash.4k0N4ppd.dpuf
 Coming months is a monthly cycle in women. This cycle is usually repeated at the same time as the previous time. However, not all women have a good schedule coming months, sometimes coming months do not come on time. In general, during my period came late people jump to the conclusion that the woman is pregnant. But what about women who are not married? Is it just that reason

1 . stressWhen you are disturbed because of psychological stress , it is not the only trigger you will quickly coming months , but also cause you to be late coming months . It is triggered by the body system which then produces the hormone GnRH that causes women to not ovulate or menstruate . Therefore, try to be more relaxed in the face of your days .
2 . sport
When exercising woman will also be late coming months , or the condition called amenorrhea were also experienced by female athletes .
3 . Thyroid problematic
Many women who coined hypothyroidism in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone . Gejaa generated is sensitive to cold , dry and pale skin , weight gain , depression and missed a period .
4 . Schedule Changes Coming Months
Sometimes menstruation cycle will change the schedule . When you schedule your period comes every parent , then he would change into a young date . It sanagt common place so you do not have to worry .
5 . ill
When we are sick it can alter menstrual cycle . But when cured coming months will be normal again . It is also usually caused by the consumption of drugs that may affect the production of hormones .
6 . Pre menopause
Pre menopause is one strong reason why a woman's missed period , until finally it will stop completely


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