
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How to treat acne skin with home remedies

How to treat acne skin with home remedies Skin contains some sebaceous glands become clogged and prevent the escape of fluid out of the body. This leads to an agglomeration of the fluid inside of the glands which ends in the swelling of the gland, forming first a small bundle and ending in a bead or a large cyst (sebaceous cyst). This concentration of the fluid is the only person who has symptoms and gives rise to what is known as acne. Acne appears due to dust, dirt or due to a poor diet and toxic. The places where acne often is located on the face, usually on the sides of the nose and forehead. UnComo In this article we tell you how to treat acne with home remedies.
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 To treat acne skin , it is very important to have a daily cleaning of the skin and a warm bath or shower without drying the water when finished.
Must follow a healthy diet, avoiding animal fats and chocolate pastries. And eat lots of fruit and vegetables, this becoming 50% of the ingested food. So get purify your sangre.También is useful to take each day one or two teaspoons of diluted clay in a cup of water. You can take it on an empty stomach or before meals.
Use a clay poultice or compress on the affected skin area. The way to do is to dip a brush into the poultice of clay and then paint the affected skin area. Leaving dry substances adhered to the skin. Finally, it should rinsing the treated area with clay using a few drops of lemon juice.
Become a bath with herbs three times a week. This toilet is previously prepared a mixture of leaves thought saponaria rhizome, walnut sheets and hamamelis leaves. Where have all the mixed herbs, you have to take them to a liter of boiling water for one minute. After that time you have to let it rest 30 minutes with the pot covered.
Then you have to strain it and after that you can add to bath water preparation, which should last about 15 minutes at a temperature of approximately 36 º C. When you know the bathroom, you have to gently rub the areas of your body that have acne.
To help in the care and cleaning of your skin, you can make a tea from the juice of tender plants and stinging nettle to take one tablespoon three times a day for several weeks.
Drink two cups a day of fresh carrot juice. One cup in the morning and once in the evening is another very effective remedy for acne.
Apart from the home remedies, you can see here another article about how to treat acne skin where we explain other methods to combat this skin condition.
To read more articles like how to treat acne skin with home remedies, we recommend you enter our category of Acne Treatments .


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