
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How to make homemade masks for skin lightening

How to make homemade masks for skin lightening
The skin is daily exposed to external aggressions over time stimulate the appearance of spots, dryness, blemishes, wrinkles , etc.. that result in a tired and darkened skin. There are many cosmetic specially created to combat this problem, but there are natural products that can be combined together to achieve effective skin lightening. Check out how to make homemade unComo skin lightening masks.
Picture: www.remediando.com

Step 1 of 5 - Lemon And <strong> oatmeal mask. </ Strong> Lemon is very powerful for skin lightening <strong> </ strong> natural ingredient. If you notice that your skin looks dull and unhealthy, do not hesitate to try this homemade mask. To work it, you need to chop into cubes shells of a fresh lemon in a bowl, add the juice of half Lemon And two tablespoons of oatmeal. Apply the preparation on the area you want clear skin leaving it on for 15 minutes. It is advisable to apply the mask at night, the sun may cause the occurrence of some stains </ p> Image. Www.vivirbienesunplacer.com </ p>
Lemon and oatmeal mask. Lemon is very powerful skin lightening natural ingredient. If you notice that your skin looks dull and unhealthy, do not hesitate to try this homemade mask. To work it, you need to chop into cubes shells of a fresh lemon in a bowl, add the juice of half a lemon and two tablespoons of oatmeal. Apply the preparation on the area you want clear skin leaving it on for 15 minutes. It is advisable to apply the mask at night, because the sun could cause the appearance of some spots.

Step 2 of 5 -. <strong> Papaya mask, zanahora and honey </ strong> Papaya is another perfect ingredient to soften the skin and bring a more uniform tone <strong> </ strong>. You can make this homemade mask preparing mashed papaya and adding a well cooked grated carrot and a tablespoon of honey. Stir the mixture and apply the resulting paste on the skin for 30 minutes. Feel like your skin is renewed and looks light </ p> Image. Saludables.net </ p>
Papaya mask, zanahora and honey. Papaya is another perfect ingredient to soften the skin and bring a more even tone. You can make this homemade mask preparing mashed papaya and adding a well cooked grated carrot and a tablespoon of honey. Stir the mixture and apply the resulting paste on the skin for 30 minutes. Feel like your skin is renewed and looks bright.

Step 3 of 5 - <strong> chamomile and honey mask. </ Strong> In addition to the medicinal properties of chamomile, can also use it as an agent <strong> skin lightening </ strong>. It is very good for treating irritations, <a href="http://belleza.uncomo.com/articulo/como-hacer-mascarillas-caseras-para-tratar-el-acne-20977.html" target = "_blank" rel = "nofollow"> acne </ a>, eczema, etc.. If you want to prepare this homemade mask must prepare a chamomile tea, add the honey and, if you like, a little rosewater. Now you just have to apply it in the past to clarify and remove about 15 minutes </ p> Image. Cienciadeti.blogspot.com </ p>
Chamomile and honey mask. Besides the medicinal properties of chamomile, can also use it as a skin lightening agent. It is very good for treating irritations, acne , eczema, etc.. If you want to prepare this homemade mask must prepare a chamomile tea, add the honey and, if you like, a little rosewater. Now you just have to apply it on the area to clarify and remove after about 15 minutes.

Step 4 May - <strong> Mask of yogurt and lemon. </ Strong> Another great homemade mask for skin lightening <strong> </ strong> is made with lemon which combine with yogurt. The two ingredients are perfect spots to mitigate and reduce pores. Elaborates this homemade mask by serving two tablespoons of natural yogurt and lemon juice. When you get a uniform mixture, apply it on the area you want to clarify and allowed to act about 45 minutes </ p> Image. Estilos.prodigy.msn.com </ p>
Mask of yogurt and lemon. Another great homemade mask to clarify the skin with lemon is that we combine with yogurt. The two ingredients are perfect spots to mitigate and reduce pores. Elaborates this homemade mask by serving two tablespoons of natural yogurt and lemon juice. When you get a uniform mixture, apply it on the area you want to clarify and allowed to act about 45 minutes.

These homemade masks will help clear up the skin and restore its original tone. Try them and feel like your skin looks radiant and rejuvenated!


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