
Thursday, February 6, 2014

How to Overcome Late Missed period Naturally

Missed period is one of the most common feature of pregnancy in women . But even so late coming monthly guests could also mean another , for example, is sick or there is a hormonal disorder . There are many factors that cause a woman's missed period , and at this time seksualitas.net article we will discuss how to cope with missed period naturally .How to cope with missed period
How to cope with missed period
Normally women have a menstrual cycle for 22 to 35 days but most women experience a menstrual cycle of 28 days . Late period of one or two a day is still classed normal and common , but if it comes a month late up to a week , a month or more than usual , then it means something is wrong . Chances are pregnant or having periods interrupted .
Rini ( 25 ) lately felt anxious because her period did not come yet tespack showed negative results , meaning that she is not pregnant . Workers at one of Jakarta 's private banks claim to have regular menstrual 28 days until he felt late period last month .
To overcome the missed period , Rini started consuming some traditional herb that is obtained from a friend . The proven natural remedy , every few days taking the drug , and many Rini began menstruation .Natural Remedies to Overcome Late Coming Month ( Menstrual Disturbed )
Some positive pregnant women after sex too much to seek out ways an abortion , of course it is not a wise move and could also endanger the life , because such efforts should only be done by a specialist , and even then with some conditions particular .
Natural remedy below is to overcome the missed period due to disturbed menstrual derived from plants around us and build healthy habits because menstruation is also disturbed due to lifestyle and irregular eating patterns . Traditional medicine can facilitate menstruation following in a short time :
1 . Concoction of papaya fruit
Papaya leaves bitter taste proved useful to facilitate menstrual women . For women who often experience a missed period can make this concoction of papaya leaves .
Take some papaya leaves are young and fresh , and then rinse thoroughly . Boil the water with a ratio of two leaves of papaya for every one cup of water . Once boiling add the acid and salt , then take the water and drink the potion warm.
2 . Addressing missed period with lemon
Lemon fruit is one of the most commonly used in the kitchen and mixed into a wide variety of foods . Orange juice contains ascorbic acid , zinc , phosphorus , minerals , calcium , calories , fat , protein and many other minerals needed by the body .
One of the benefits of lime according to Dr . Setiawan Dalimartha menstruating woman is smooth . How to process , prepare lime juice three tablespoons , mixed with one tablespoon of honey and two cups of warm water . Stir the mixture until smooth and drink warm . Drink the potion three times every day .
3 . Completed pill
This pill is manufactured by PT . Laboratories are functioning Deltomed address complaints of women who are often missed period . This nutritious pills abnormal menstrual facilitate , manage pain in stomach and heartburn while menstruating . Pills are made from completely natural ingredients extracted into pills .
As a product of modern , herbal pills thoroughly believed many women who experience menstrual disorders . These pills should be taken 4 times a day for 3 days before menses come . Completely biased pills bought in pharmacies or drug stores and this pill was not for pregnant women .
4 . Yoga and regular exercise
The practice of yoga has many unique movements are very good for health . Some experts reveal other advantages that facilitate yoga female menstruation . If you often experience comes months too late , try to visit places that have aerobic yoga program to train your body .
5 . regular breaks
Busyness often leads to stress and tension . The impact effect on the production of hormones in the body which in turn causes late menses come . Make sure you have enough hours of sleep for the body to rest and restore his fitness .
5 natural ways to overcome so late coming months due to a disturbance in the menstrual cycle . Avoid using abortion drugs are harmful to the body for an abortion , because missed a period does not always mean pregnant .


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